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Category: MCSA


新聞稿: 美國中期選舉如何影響美中關係的未來?試做一天美國人,試用c123 應用程式來模擬投票! 香港 – 2018年10月31日新聞稿: 美國中期選舉如何影響美中關係的未來? 現狀 眾議院(435個席位):任期2年 民主黨人193席 共和黨人235席 空缺7席 所有席位都可供選舉 參議院(100個席位)任期6年 民主黨人47席 共和黨人51席 獨立人士2席 35個席位可供選舉 ...

Reviewed by a Legal Counsel and a Barrister specialized in SFC and SEHK laws

As the user of the MCSA meeting software and Company123 mobile app, Mr. Adex Tsui (徐文耀大律師), a Barrister ...

C123 iOS App approved

We just got the approval from Apple for the C123 Mobile App.  This is super fast!    For ...

Response to the complaints voiced from listed companies

We have received many complaints from listed companies about their inability to register for the seminars.   When ...