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P&L Newsletters Archive

Issue CSA CPAnywhere AML for CSA General Interest
2024-10 – Q & A for Users CR’s e Services Related
用戶答問系列之: 關於公司註冊處的電子服務
– The “ Job Assignment Control Sheet Revisited
「 工作委派管理表 」 再探
– Improving the Search Speed on the “PEP Private Database”
提 升「 政治人物 內置 資料庫 」的 搜尋速度
– Severe Penalty for not Identifying PEP or not Doing EDD in a Timely Manner
未識別政治人物或 未及時 進行 嚴格盡職審查 的嚴厲處罰
– What are the disadvantages of holding a US green card while residing in Hong Kong
2024-08 – Getting to Know User-defined Fields (“UDF”) in CSA
– How does CPAnywhere handles Maternity Leave
– Hong Kong Customs Start Enforcing the AML/CTF Ordinance
– Major Restructuring of the US Tax Code under the “Project 2025” if Trump Wins
2024-06 – Updated Version 6.2
更新版本 6.2
– Case Study : Roster and Shift Setting in CPAnywhere
– Adding the SFC ’s Enforcement List Search Function
– USA Green Card: Pros and Cons
2024-04 – Application to CR for Disclosure of Protected Information of Directors etc. by Specified Persons.
指明人士向 CR 申請披露董事等的受保護資料
– Program Update : The Accrued Vacation after a Staff gets Promoted
程式更新 : 職員晉升後的累積假期
– Request for a Compliance Manual by CR Inspector
CR 審查員要求提供合規手冊
– Why do you need your own Compliance Manual?
– Get the Fear Out of Sales Tax
2024-02 – CR Specified Form MPI: Purpose and Usage
CR 指明表格 MPI : 用途和用法
– Most Popular System Functions Used in CPAnywhere
CPAnywhere 中最常使用的系統功能
– Reports from TCSP Licensees who were under CR’s Inspections
TCSP 持牌人接受 CR 審查的報告
(a) AML/CTF Compliance Manual for the Firm 公司 AML/CTF 合規手冊
(b) CR Inspector Suggested Highlighting the High-Risk Entities in the System for Easy Indentification
CR 審查員建議在系統中突顯高風險實體以便於識別
– Reporting of the Beneficial Ownership Information to the US Treasury
2023-12 – CR Announced 117 Revised Specified Forms
CR 公佈了 117 份經修訂的指明表格
– Q & A for Users: (a) What if a company does not have a
Business Registration Number?
(a) 如果公司沒有商業登記號碼該怎麼
– Q & A for Users: (b) What Business Nature Code should
be for a “holding company”?
– Q & A for Users: (c) Who are exempted from the TCSP
licensing requirements?
(c) 哪些人士可獲豁免 TCSP 牌照的要
– Extensive Use of Custom Reports by CPAnywhere
CPAnywhere 用戶廣泛使用自訂報表
– Shall we include the Suspicious Transaction Report
(“STR”) to AML for CSA?
我們應否將可疑交易報告 (STR) 納入 AML for CSA 中?
– How bad are the US finances in 2023?
2023-10 – Newly Registered Local companies Growth in 2023
2023 年新註冊本地公司的增長
– Q & A for Users : What are the important elements of a Virtual Meeting ?
用戶答問 系列 之: 虛擬會議 有哪些重要元素?
– How does the present “Trust Monies Accounting”
function work and its future development
現階段的 信託 款項 會計 ” 功能 如何運作 及 其 未來的發展
– How does JPEX use the loophole to operate in Hong Kong with impunity?
JPEX 如何利用漏洞在香港運作而不受懲罰?
– Testing the AML for CSA’s Sanction Screening Capability
測試 AML for CSA 的制裁篩查能力
– Testing the AML for CSA’s Fugitives Screening Capability
測試 AML for CSA 篩查 通緝犯
– The IRS has just announced more scrutiny on FBAR
2023-08 – Q & A for Users : How to record share certificates in
用戶答問 系列 之: 如何 在 CSA 處 理股票記錄?
– Review the “Leave” Function on CPAnywhere’s mobile
app and Ask for Your Suggestions
審視 CPAnywhere 流動 應用程 式 中的 休假 ” 功能並徵求
– Updated Version 1.3 .0 : Featuring the Automated Risk Assessment Report Function
更新版 1 3 .0 :新增 自動化風險評估報告 功能
– Risk to US Taxpayers in any Involvement in Virtual Currency Transactions
2023-06 – Updated Version 5.1.0  (更新版5.1.0) – Opinion: “The Future of Cloud Computing” in 2009 Revisited (重溫2009年「雲計算的未來」一文) – A New Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Requirements for Trust or Company Service Providers (信託或公司服務提供者遵從打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集規定的新指引)
– System Enhancement: Automated Risk Assessment Report (系統增強:自動化風險評估報告)
– How to avoid heavy US tax burden before immigrating to the United States
2023-04 – Updated Version 5.0.2 (更新版5.0.2)
– The issue of identity information of an individual director on CR forms (在CR表格上個人董事身份信息的問題)
– Should you file ND2B with NR1 when RO is changed? (當RO更改時,您是否應該與NR1一併提交ND2B?)
– When an Employee Got Fired! (當有員工被解僱時!) – FATF’s suggested actions to support the use of technology in AML/CFT (FATF就運用科技支援AML/CFT的行動建議)
– Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 comes into effect on 1 April 2023 (於2023年4月1日生效的《2022年打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集 (修訂) 條例》)
– How to avoid being targeted by Canada Revenue Agency for world-wide income?
2023-02 – For an identification number as protected information, how to determine what to show (or what to hide)? (對於身分識別號碼作為受保護資料,如何確定顯示什麼 (或隱藏什麼)?)
– What CR would do to those “old forms” filed before 24 October 2022 which still contained protected information? (在2022年10月24日之前交付的 “舊表格” 還是看得到那些受保護資料的,CR會怎樣處理?)
– What to do in the system when there is a change of supervisor (遇有主管變動時在系統裡應怎麼辦)
– Samples of Custom Reports created by CPAnywhere users (CPAnywhere用戶創建的自定報表示例)
– Updated Version 1.2.1 (更新版1.2.1)
– How to speed up the sanction search for the whole database of clients and entities? (對整個客戶和實體數據庫作制裁名單搜索時,如何加快速度?)
2022-12 – How to rectify a typographical or clerical error contained in a document already registered with the Companies Registry: Form AD  (怎樣更正已登記文件內在排印或文書方面的錯誤:表格AD)
– CR temporarily suspended the support for forms submission through TPSI and “CR eFiling” mobile app (公司註冊處暫停支援通過TPSI及「CR交表易」流動應用程式提交表格)
– Enhancement to the Invoice Settlement Maintenance function (加強發票結算維護功能)
– Payment Receipt shows the foreign currency (在付款收據顯示外幣)
– Questions asked by CR Inspector on AML for CSA (part II): How does the system work? (CR稽查人員就AML for CSA的提問 (下):系統是如何運作的?)
– Hong Kong’s implementation of AML/CTF measures: A “report card” based on FATA’s assessment (香港AML/CFT措施的實施情況:一份根據FATF評核報告的 “成績表”)
2022-10 – The implementation of Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime (實施第二階段的新查冊安排)
– Director’s Protected Information: Frequently Asked Questions (董事的受保護資料:常見問題)
– The problem with multiple approvals of the same invoice (同一張發票的雙重批核問題)
– More information added to Invoice Registry (發票登記冊增添更多信息)
– Questions asked by CR Inspector on AML for CSA (part I) (CR稽查人員就AML for CSA的提問 (上))
– Where is the source of our Sanction/Wanted List and PEP data come from? (我們的制裁/被通緝名單和PEP的數據來自哪裡?)
– How frequently do we update our Sanction/Wanted List data? (我們多久更新一次制裁/被通緝名單的數據?)


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